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Prof. Wan’s research interests include services marketing and service failure, consumer/tourist reactions to service robots and technologies, cross-cultural consumer behaviour, consumer/tourist green consumption, and tourist misbehaviors. Her works has appeared in the top-tier marketing and hospitality journals, including Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of International Marketing, Journal of the Association for Consumer Research, Journal of Business Research, Annals of Tourism Research, Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, and Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research etc. She reviews for major Marketing and Hospitality journals, including Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Retailing, European Journal of Marketing, Journal of Business Research, Tourism Management, International Journal of Hospitality Management, and Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research. She is an editorial board member of Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research.

HUMANOID VERSUS NON-HUMANOID ROBOTS: How Mortality Salience Shapes Preference for Robot Services under the COVID-19 pandemic?

Xing (Stella) Liu, Lisa C. Wan, and Xiao (Shannon) Yi (forthcoming)
Annals of Tourism Research

FRIENDLY OR COMPETENT? The Effects of Perception of Robot Appearance and Service Context on Usage Intention.

Xing (Stella) Liu, Xiao (Shannon) Yi, and Lisa C. Wan (2022)
Annals of Tourism Research, 92, 103324.

The Role of Incidental Embarrassment on Social Interaction Behavior.

Wan, Lisa C. and Robert S. Wyer (forthcoming)
Social Cognition

Paper not available

Managerial Response to Negative Online Reviews in the Service Industry: A Tactic-Based and Culture-Based Model

Yu, I. Y., Lisa C. Wan, Yi, Shannon X (2021)
Journal of Global Marketing, 1-11.

Tourist Misbehavior: Psychological Closeness to Fellow Consumers and Informal Social Control.

Wan, Lisa C., Michael K. Hui, and Yao (Chloe) Qiu (2021)
Tourism Management, 104258.

A Silver Lining of Tourism Stagnation.

Kim, Hwang, Shannon X. Yi, Luo Xiaoyan, and Lisa C. Wan (forthcoming)
Annals of Tourism Research Empirical Insights

Paper not available

Robots Come to Rescue: How to Reduce Perceived Risk of Infectious Disease in Covid19-stricken Consumers?

Wan, Lisa C., Elisa K. Chan, and Xiaoyan Luo (2020)
Annals of Tourism Research, 103069.
*The research findings attracted 368 local and international media pickups. The research findings were disseminated to 15,864 media around the world and 1,253 journalists read the article.

The Influence of Incidental Similarity on Observers’ Causal Attributions and Reactions to a Service Failure?

Wan, Lisa C. and Robert S. Wyer (2019)
Journal of Consumer Research, 45 (6), 1350-68

Paper not available

How Can Psychological Contagion Effect Be Attenuated? The Role of Boundary Effect on Menu Design

Hou, Yuansi, Yixia Sun, Lisa C. Wan, and Wan Yang (2018)
Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research, 42 (4), 606-26

The Contrasting Influences of Incidental Anger and Fear on Responses to a Service Failure?

Su, Lei, Lisa C. Wan, and Robert S. Wyer (2018)
Psychology & Marketing, 35 (9), 666-75. (The first two authors contributed equally.)

Consumer Reactions to Corporate Social Responsibility Brands: The Role of Face Concern

Wan, Lisa C., Patrick S. Poon, and Chunling Yu (2016)
Journal of Consumer Marketing, 33 (1), 52-60

Consumer Reactions to Attractive Service Providers: Approach or Avoid?” Journal of Consumer Research

Wan, Lisa C. and Robert S. Wyer (2015)
Journal of Consumer Research, 42(4), 578-95

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