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Ceremony for the Inauguration of the Choh-Ming Li Professorships and Presentation of Teaching and Research Awards

The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) held the Ceremony for the Inauguration of the Choh-Ming Li Professorships and Presentation of Teaching and Research Awards to recognise the tremendous contributions and remarkable achievements in teaching and research of CUHK members.

Interview by CNA:

Commentary: Space tourism by 2024 a growing possibility in China

Developments this year have turbocharged the race to be the first to launch paying customers into space, says the Chinese University of Hong Kong's Lisa Wan.

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Interview with Sophia

Prof Wan had an interview with Sophia and talked about the research study on human-robot interaction done in collaboration with The Chinese University of Hong Kong  School of Hotel and Tourism Management and Hanson Robotics Limited.

Profile of
Professor Lisa C. Wan

Prof. Lisa C. Wan is an Associate Professor of School of Hotel and Tourism Management and Department of Marketing at The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School. She is also the Director of the Centre for Hospitality and Real Estate Research. Professor Wan has an impressive track record of high-quality teaching over the years. She was the recipient of the University Education Award 2021(General Faculty Members Category) and Vice-Chancellor’s Exemplary Teaching Award 2017 presented by CUHK, the Faculty Teaching Excellence Award 2017 and the Faculty Teaching Merit Award 2012-2017, 2018-20 presented by CUHK Business School.

Latest Publications

HUMANOID VERSUS NON-HUMANOID ROBOTS: How Mortality Salience Shapes Preference for Robot Services under the COVID-19 pandemic?

Xing (Stella) Liu, Lisa C. Wan, and Xiao (Shannon) Yi (forthcoming)
Annals of Tourism Research

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